My blog

Reasons for writing

Why write a blog?

I think the simplest answer is that writing is where thinking actually happens.

Many people mistake their mental chatter for thinking. I am not suggesting a Heidegger level of Thinking--which, I confess, I could not understand after reading five or six paragraphs. In fact, the more I think about it, I feel Heidegger may have been suffering from some sort of mental illness.

Mine is a simple proposition. I believe that thinking is an active process whereby you think only when you engage in the active act of thinking: that is, when you write, you open cognitive treasury channels that overflow onto the page: a mixture of signal and noise, but a backspace key is all that is needed to remove the unwanted stuff.

As you write the second paragraph, a sort of background is formed that helps you rely on it for further extraction of thoughts from the deeper parts of your brain. The brain produces ideas when it is asked to, not when it is idle. And when you write, you do exactly that: ask your brain (indirectly, of course) for synthesized data.

In short, thoughts are like water and foam. The mental chatter is foam, the actual thoughts are waves of water from the ocean of our minds. The waves come into motion when you start writing, as in the last four paragraph, and the waves splash water, as in this paragraph. We transition from foamy water to pure water, and then the rest flows easily out.

What I mean is that the meat of our thoughts are hidden somewhere deep, and they come out when we engage in deep thinking, which is possible only when we write. The faster you can type, the better the thought quality. But also, I have noticed that when you handwrite, the quality of thoughts differs. Different modes elicit different types of thoughts.

In the main, though, I prefer typing because it is faster, and I can experiment more. This means a quicker pace of idea discovery than if I were to write with a pen. For instance, this idea that I think I like typing more than handwriting, was unknown to me until I put it down in writing here. Many more such ideas can follow if I keep typing.

But you get the point, so we say goodbye for now. Perhaps tomorrow, I will write something new. Or not, if I didn't feel like it.